Podjournalism – The Role of Podcasting in Critical and Investigative Journalism nennt sich ein Talk auf dem 23C3 am Tag 4 (30.12.07, 12:45 Uhr, Dauer: 1 Stunde).
Throughout the world, major media companies are cutting their budgets for investigative reporting. Most journalists will soon be freelancers, losing their freedom to investigate the more controversial or difficult topics. Yet at the same time, podcasting as a form of citizen journalism has risen, free of the constraints of organizations and editors. But without the funding that the tradional media enjoyed, how are podcasting journalists carrying out their work, and what does it mean for the media consumer?
Wie können sich Journalisten ohne Finanzierung durch die traditionellen Medien mittels Podcasting behaupten und welche Bedeutung hat das für den Medienkonsumenten? Das sind auch spannende Fragen für das anstehende PodCamp.