Mac OS X Leopard Server mit neuen Podcast-Funktionen

Ich hatte bereits vor einiger Zeit kurz darüber berichtet, das der Mac OS X Leopard Server in Version 10.5 einige Podcast-Funktionen mit sich bringt. Heute hat Steve Jobs in seiner WDDC Keynote die einzelnen Funktionen vorgestellt.

Podcast Producer is an end-to-end solution for encoding, publishing, and distributing podcasts. Podcast Producer is designed to simplify the process of recording content, encoding, and publishing podcasts for playback in iTunes and on iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV.

Das gesamte System ist wenig verwunderlich auf die Apple-Produktpalette ausgelegt, stellt dafür aber auf den ersten Blick eine geschlossene Kette dar.

Leopard includes the new Podcast Capture application for capturing and uploading content to Podcast Producer. Podcast Capture makes it easy to capture high-quality audio and video from local and remote cameras, record screen captures, and upload existing content into Podcast Producer for encoding and redistribution.

Audio, video and record buttons

Recording a podcast is a snap. Simply launch Podcast Capture, log in to Podcast Producer, and select the type of podcast you’d like to record — audio only, video with audio, screen capture with audio — then click Start. When finished recording, click Stop. Or publish an existing QuickTime media file. That’s it.

Podcast Capture records audio and video from a wide range of devices, including digital video cameras connected via FireWire, USB microphones, and iSight cameras.

It’s automatic.

As soon as recording is completed, the file is automatically uploaded to Podcast Producer for processing. Podcast Producer utilizes the power of Xgrid to encode content into multiple formats such as H.264 and MPEG-4 for playback on a Mac, PC, iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV.

h.264 and MPEG-2 icons

Podcast Producer includes a dozen built-in workflows to automate publishing of podcasts to blogs, iTunes, iTunes U, or even multimedia-enabled cell phones over high-speed wireless networks using QuickTime Streaming Server. Workflows include the ability to archive recordings, applying custom Quartz Composer compositions with titles and watermarks, add opening and closing videos, notify the iTunes Podcast Directory of the new episode, and send out an announcement email.

Podcast Producer uses Xgrid distributed processing technology for large-scale podcast productions — encoding tasks are automatically distributed to other servers. All that is required is another server running Podcast Producer and a shared file system such as Xsan or NFS.

The new podcasting features look like they will be a powerful option for producing podcasts, especially for organizations primarily targeting the iPod/iTunes platform.

Quelle: PodcastingNews

Kosten wird der Server in der 10er-Lizenz ab US $499. Das System richtet sich neben der Leistungsbeschreibung auch vom Preis her nicht an den privaten Podcaster.

Über Fabio "Mr. Podcast" Bacigalupo

Seit Ende 2004 betreibt Fabio Bacigalupo das Podcast-Portal als zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Podcast-Nutzung in Deutschland. 2010 launchte er den auf Podcast-Hosting spezialisierten Dienst für die Allgemeinheit. Mittlerweile betreibt er auch das Podcast-Label podlabel mit und fungiert als Co-Geschäftsführer beim Podcast-Vermarkter audiotakes.
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